Dr. Conor Barker is a practicing psychologist who specializes in clinical, counselling, and educational psychology. He is the clinical director and founder of Brunswick Creek Psychology Services.
Dr. Barker completed his master's degree in School and Counselling Psychology at the University of Saskatchewan, and his doctorate at the University of Regina. His practice utilizes Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Reality Therapy/Choice Theory (RT/CT), Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) and Motivational Interviewing techniques. He also provides assessment services to provide treatment planning and recommendations for learning disabilities, attention difficulties, mood disorders, and autism spectrum disorder. Dr. Barker is a published researcher and advocate for best practices in mental health, particularly in rural settings. His doctoral dissertation focused on the practice of rural school psychology. He is actively involved with community organizations supporting the well-being of individuals residing in Swift Current and Area. Learn more |